Dr. Măriuca Nicotera
Medic Primar Cardiolog
Cardiologie intervențională
Medic în cadrul Departamentului de Cardiologie Structurala Centrele ARES Bucuresti
Name:PD Dr. med. Mariuca Vasa-Nicotera, MBBS, MD, MRCP
GMC Registration: 6024987
CCT: 01 July 2010
Dual Accreditation in Cardiology and General (Internal) Medicine; UK Specialist register for Cardiology and General Medicine
Sept 2010 German Qualifikation as ‘Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Kardiologie’.
April 2004 MRCP: Member of the Royal College of Physicians, London UK
May 2002 MD: Doctor in Medicine (Dr. med.), University of Duesseldorf, Germany
June 2001 Certificate of Full Registration as Medical Practitioner in the UK
GMC Ref. Nr. 6024987
June 2000 Certificate of Full Registration as Medical Practitioner, Land Hessen, Germany
June 1998 State exam in Medicine, University of Duesseldorf, Germany and Licence to begin Medical Practice (MBBS)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (German Society of Cardiology)
British Society of Cardiology
European Society of Cardiology
British Society of Interventional Cardiology
British Society of Echocardiography
June 2013 Ass-Professor in Internal Medicine and Cardiology (Privatdozentin), University Hospital of Bonn, Germany
June 2010 – present Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, University Hospital of Bonn, Germany
April 2007 – June 2010 Walport Clinical Lecturer in Cardiology, Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, University of Leicester, UK
Structural valve fellow (TAVI), Department of Cardiology, Glenfield Hospital, UK
April 2004 – June 2010 Specialist Registrar in Cardiology and General Internal Medicine, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, Leicester UK
SPECIALIST REGISTRAR in Cardiology and General (Internal) Medicine
01.02.2010 – 30.06.2010 Interventional Cardiology and TAVI Programme
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Dr. Jan Kovac
01.08.2009 – 31.01.2010 Electrophysiology and TAVI Programme
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Dr. Andre Ng
01.02.2009 – 31.07.2009 General (Internal) Medicine and Cardiology
Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester
Prof. Iain Squire
01.08.2008 – 31.01.2009 Cardiology (Echocardiography) and TAVI Programme
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Dr. Derek Chin
01.04.2008 – 31.07.2008 Interventional Cardiology
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Prof. AH Gershlick
01.10.2007 – 31.03.2008 Interventional Cardiology and TAVI Programme
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
` Dr. Jan Kovac
01.04.2007 – 30.09-2007 Interventional Cardiology and Pacing
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Dr. Doug Skehan
01.10.2006 – 31.03.2007 Interventional Cardiology
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Dr. Gail Richardson
01.04.2006 – 30.09.2006 General (Internal) Medicine and Cardiology
Leicester Royal Infirmary, Leicester
Prof. Iain Squire
01.10.2005 – 31.03.2006 Maternity leave (3 months prolongation of training)
01.04.2005 – 30.09.2005 Interventional Cardiology
Glenfield Hospital, Leicester
Prof. NJ Samani
01.04.2004 – 31.03.2005 General (Internal) Medicine and Cardiology
Derby Royal Infirmary, Derby
Dr. Michael Millar-Craig
Proceduri efectuate de Dr. Măriuca Nicotera

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