Dr. Dimitrios Lysitsas

Dr. Dimitrios Lysitsas

Medic Primar Cardiolog

Electrofiziologie și Aritmologie

Director Departament Electrofiziologie, 1.St Luke’s Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece Senior Electrophysiology Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Membership of Royal College of Physicians, London, UK Medic în cadrul Secției de Electrofiziologie ARES București




Interventional Electrophysiologist


08.2010 Cardiology Specialist Training Certification

10.2010 PhD Thesis “Drug eluting stents and restenosis after

PTCA”- Grade: “Honors”

03.2009 ALS provider

07.2006 Membership of Royal College of Physicians, London,


12.2000 Ptychio Iatrikes (MBBS equivalent), School of

Medicine, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece.

06.1993 High School Certificate, Veria, Greece, Grade: “Honors”

Areas of expertise

Dr Lysitsas specializes in the management of all arrhythmias and especially ablation for complex arrhythmias. This includes atrial fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, as well as implantation of pacemakers, ICDs and devices for cardiac resynchronisation.



Member of European Heart Rhythm Society

Member of European Society of Sports Cardiology

Member of Royal College of Physicians (London)


Consultant Electrophysiologist and Director in Electrophysiology Department


1.St Luke’s Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

2.Interbalcan Medical Centre, Thessaloniki, Greece

3.Kyanos Stavros Euromedica Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece

4.Ares – Center of Excellence Bucharest


2010-2013 Subspecialty training in Interventional Electrophysiology and Complex Devices

oSenior EP Fellow, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK

oSenior EP Fellow, Harefield Hospital, London, UK

2006-2010– Cardiology Training

oPeterborough District Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK

oWarwick University Hospital, Leicester

oAddenbrooke’s University Hospital, Cambridge

oUniversity Hospital of Ioannnina, Ioannina, Greece

2004-2006– Internal Medicine Training

oPeterborough District Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK


Publications in peer-reviewed journals

1.Sioros L, Baltogiannis JG, Lysitsas DN, Kolettis TM Treatment of Catecholaminergic Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia: Lessons From One Case. Hospital Chronicles. 2014; 9: 27–32

2.Wang J, Malhotra A, Bajwa F, Lysitsas DN. Don’t know much about embryology. CJEM 2014;16: 1-3

3.Bourantas CV, Papafaklis MI, Naka KK, Tsakanikas VD, Lysitsas DN, Alamgir FM, Fotiadis DI, Michalis LK. Fusion of optical coherence tomography and coronary angiography – in vivo assessment of shear stress in plaque rupture. Int J Cardiol. 2012 March 8;155(2): e24-26

4.Lysitsas DN, Hussain W.  Cardiology International. 2011; 2: 5-6

5.Moulas A, Papakostas J, Eglezopoulos K, Papamichael N, Lysitsas D, Michalis L. Use of retinoic acid-eluting stents for preventing restenosis in an animal model. Cardiovascular Revascularisation Medicine. 2010;11:276-277

6.Kolettis TM, Lysitsas DN et al. Improved ‘cut-down’ technique for transvenous pacemaker lead implantation.Europace. 2010;12:1282-85

7.Lysitsas DN et al. Loop recorder implantation at the left axillary area. Europace. 2010;12:603

8.Lysitsas DN et al. Cardiac tamponade due to left atrium direct invasion by a large cell neuroendocrine metastatic carcinoma of the lung. Eur J Echocardiogr. 2008 May;9(3):428-9.

9.Lysitsas DN et al. Presentation of an embolised Amplatzer septal occluder to the main pulmonary artery 2 years after implantation. Int J Cardiol. 2009 Jan 24;131(3):e106-7

10.Lysitsas DN et al. „Antirestenotic effects of a novel polymer-coated D-24851 eluting stent. Experimental data in a rabbit iliac artery model.” Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 2007 Nov-Dec;30(6):1192-200

Poster presentations in International meetings

1. Rochon M, Margerison N, Dimitrios Lysitsas, et al. Collaborative Working: Surveillance of Wound Infections in Implant Devices (pacemakers, loop systems and internal cardiac defibrillators). International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 17-20 April, Paris

2. Jarman J, Lysitsas DN et al. Determinants of Recurrence Following Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation.Cardiostim 2012

3. Jarman J, Lysitsas DN et alAdditional Linear Lesions Following Circumferential Pulmonary Vein Isolation for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Do Not Predict Procedural Success. Cardiostim 2012

4. Jarman J, Lysitsas DN et al. A Simple and Effective Score to Predict the Outcome of Persistent AF Ablation.HRS 2012

5. Jarman J, Lysitsas DN et al. Linear ablation at the left atrial roof and outcomes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.ECAS 2012

6. Lysitsas et al.Antirestenotic effects of a novel polymer-coated D-24851 eluting stent. Experimental data in a rabbit iliac artery model.” Hellenic Cardiology Congress 2004

Invited Speaker in Cardiology Meetings

1.29/04/2015- Arrhthmias Update 2015, Thessaloniki Greece

Percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage

2.27/03/15- Hippokrates days of Cardiology, Thessaloniki, Greece

WPW syndrome: Diagnostic process and management

3.14/03/15- Master Course of Imaging – 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece

Atrial Fibrillation-Catheterablation

4.27/02/15-HCS Working Groups, Ioannina, Greece

Frequent ventricular ectopics

6.12/04/14-14o „NEW TRENDS IN CARDIOLOGY”, Thessaloniki, Greece

Interventional therapy of atrial fibrillation

7.05/04/14- Master Course of Imaging, Thessaloniki, Greece

3D echocardiography and atrial fibrillation

8.09/10/14- 7th Congress of Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology

Percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage- cases presentation

9.11/10/14-7th Congress of Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology

Atrial fibrillaiton in young patients and athletes- clinical decision and management

10.16/11/13-6o Congress of Interventional Cardiology and Electrophysiology

Asymptomatic WPW: When EPS is necessary

11.10/10/13- 34o Hellenic cardiology Society Congress, Athens, Greece

Novel technology in the ablation of atrial fibrillation


Vias Markides, MD, MRCP

Consultant Electrophysiologist

Royal Brombton and Harefield NHS Trust Foundation Hospital

Email: V.Markides@rbht.nhs.uk

Tom Wong, MD, MRCP

Consulant Electrophysiologist

Royal Brombton and Harefield NHS Trust Foundation Hospital

Email: T.Wong@rbht.nhs.uk

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